Saturday, March 17, 2012

Project-less Posting

No project post this weekend, or at least not right now. Too wiped out; my blood sugar cratered yesterday evening, the worst ever.

For those who have never experienced it: low blood sugar tendencies does not just mean you get 'a bit cranky if you go too long without a sandwich'. If you're watchful enough not to let it get too far, that may be all that happens, but if you do something incredibly stupid, like go all day without eating anything while remaining active, it can hit you like a ton of bricks.

Weakness, 'the shakes', and, in a severe case like yesterday, the discovery that you are very near to passing out. Not fun. If you push it far enough, you can pass out.

But wait! The next part is even more fun!

See, when my blood sugar gets just a little low, I can fix everything up with a quick snack, a glucose tablet if I have them handy (not often), a soda, whatever. But when I screw up and let it get the point of shaking, then I have to deal with the backlash effect.

The backlash comes after I eat something, at which point I feel even worse for a while. So then I'm stuck between Shittiest Option 1 (feel crappier and crappier until I pass out) and Still Really Shitty Option 2 (eat something, feel even worse temporarily). No others available.

So yesterday, when I realized how far it had gone, I grabbed some food from a drive-through, and discovered that letting the sugar low get the worst ever did indeed cause the backlash to be the worst ever.

Not to put too fine a point on it, I nearly puked. With every bite. But, I literally had to eat. I had already had to pull over and stop because I felt like I was too weak to control the steering wheel, there was no way I could afford to let my blood sugar drop any more.

So, bite, almost puke, chew, chew, swallow, almost puke, wait for the cold sweats to subside, then bite, almost puke, chew, chew, swallow, almost puke, wait for the etc. I made it about 3/4 of the way through the sandwich and half through the fries, I think. Then I had to just lie down on the seat and rest for a bit.

Two hours later I woke up from an uncomfortable doze and continued on down the road. Fun evening.

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